
Monday, June 18, 2012

3 Year Check Up...6 months late

How come I am the only mom who didn't know kids were supposed to have a 3 year check up.   I could have sworn they told me he didn't need to come back until four.  Guess I misunderstood!  Maybe they just meant he didn't have to come back for shots until he was four?

Thank goodness there were no shots.  I'm terrified of his 4 year check up when he has to get shots again.  The last time he got shots he wasn't really old enough to know what was going on.  I just dread it!

Anywho... on with the stats!
He had his very first blood pressure taken (other than the day he was born)!  He thought it was pretty cool!

He is such a big boy now.  But don't tell him that!  He will quickly correct you and tell you he is a "big kid" not a big BOY!  Ha!  And he will tell you he's "three and will be six like Talan soon".  He thinks his friend Talan is so cool because he's six.  And because Talan can do the monkey bars. 

He measured 39 inches tall (50th percentile) and weighed 32 pounds (39th percentile).  I was so proud of his new stats!  We've come a LONG way from the 5th percentile across the board when he was 1 year old.  He fought the 25th percentile for most of his infancy.  He just couldn't get away from it!

The doctor said he was right on track and was doing great.  I was a little worried he would recommend Eli be evaluated for speech therapy.  His speech isn't the clearest but we can understand most everything he says.  His pediatrician wasn't worried and thinks he will catch up after he starts preschool in the fall.  Speaking of preschool, he will start preschool 3 days a week at our church in September.  I'm so excited for Eli to be in a classroom setting.  I think he will thrive in a structured environment.

I'm kind of sad though.... preschool means my baby is growing up!

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