
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy birthday, Eli!

Today is a very special day in the Evans' household.  Eli turns TWO today.  I don't know where the past two years have gone.  He's such a big boy now and we have loved every second of watching him grow!  Here's a little bit about what Eli is doing or loving these days....

He loves Elmo, trucks, pancakes, jumping and running, Horton, choo choos, balls, blocks, juice, his dogs (JoJo and Jigs), Alexi (his best friend), saying cheese for the camera, french fries, being outside, reading books, swinging and sliding, all of his grandparents and airplanes. 

He can say so many words now, but most of it is toddler talk.  Momma and Daddy know what he's saying and I guess that's what matters most!  

He's becoming interested in potty training but we're not pushing it.  I think when he's ready we'll know.  He loves bath time and most nights we have to drag him out of the bath because the water is freezing cold and he's shivering!  He doesn't get out of the water without a fight though! 
Most time he's kicking and screaming :)

He can watch almost a whole episode of Sesame Street without moving.  His attention span has really grown.  He travels well now thanks to the DVD player in the car (thank you, Honda)!

He is the easiest toddler to get to sleep now.  We tell him it's time for "night-night" and most of the time he will run into his room wanting in his bed.  We lay him in his crib and he tells us "night-night", blows us kisses and then falls asleep.  I don't know how it got that easy but I think we deserve it after the struggle we had for the first 18 months of his life!!

We love this little man with all our hearts and love watching him explore and learn new things.  This has been the best two years of our lives!

Happy Birthday, Eli!

Expect more birthday pictures to come!

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