
Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions.  Mainly because I don't follow through with them.  That's why I am not calling this list my New Year's Resolutions.  I don't really have a name for this list.  It's just a list of things I want to work on this year.

1.  Blog more... Not that anyone really reads this blog anymore, but I've found that I really like to look back and read old blog posts.  It has become a sort of diary or place I can record what's going on with our lives.  Some day I plan to print it out so I will have a printed record of it.

2.  Enjoy the moment... I've become addicted to my iPhone.  I use it to keep connected to the world and as my main camera.  I've found that I constantly miss out on the moment because I'm too consumed with taking the perfect picture and then uploading it to instagram and then to facebook.  I am seriously contemplating deleting my facebook app from my phone.  If I made one NY's resolution this would be it.  I've become THAT mom who pays more attention to my phone than what's going on around me.  I don't want to be THAT mom and it makes me sad to think of all the moments I've missed since getting my first iPhone.  I got a new camera for Christmas and I want to start using a REAL camera instead of my crappy iPhone camera.  

3. Spend more time with my family... A couple of months ago I was forced to go PRN thanks to changes made with Chad's benefits.  I have to admit, I wasn't sad about this!  I have wanted to cut back on my hours for a LONG time!  A lot of people think I have cush work hours.  Yes, I only work 36 hours/week.  Yes, I only 3 days a week.  But what you don't realize is I leave my house at 6:20am and don't get home until 7:30pm.  Eli is asleep when I leave and he goes to bed 1 hour after I get home.  So that means I only see him for one hour, 3 days a week.  And not to mention if I am working an extra shift that week (which we have had to do quite often this year).  

4.  Cut back spending... This goes along with cutting my hours at work.  Less hours = less money.  Easy enough.  Ha!

5. Work on house... When we bought our house we only planned on living here for 3 years max.  We have now been here for 7 years and counting!  We have more than outgrown this little house.  I love it but I'm ready for a new one!  We bought it as kind of a fixer-upper.  The thing is, we haven't really "fixed" much!  We are hoping to sell it in the next year or so... so we have a lot to work on before then!  I'm sure Chad will love this "resolution" as it will just mean more work for him.  Ha!

And that's it folks.
That's my list.

And just because I like each post to contain a picture...

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