
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hospital Day Five

Today was a wonderful day!  Chad's feeling great!  No confusion at all!  He still has his IV but this evening they decided to stop the last IV med.  We actually got out of the hospital and went for a walk outside.  The weather was beautiful and he was glad to get some fresh air.  Just the short walk we took caused him to have a headache so I think it may take a while to get over this.

Eli came up for another visit tonight.  He was happy to see Daddy and Daddy was happy to see him!  Eli has always been such a daddy's boy!  I know he has really missed him. 

We didn't learn much of anything today except they aren't sure what caused everything.  It sounds like they have pretty much ruled out everything and are calling it hemiplegic migraines.  That scares the heck out of me because it means there's a good chance this can happen again.  I'm sure Chad will be seeing a neurologist very soon and we will find a medicine that works well to prevent these horrible things!  I had never heard of hemiplegic migraines until 3 weeks ago and now I know way more than I ever wanted to know.  Go here if you want to learn more about them.

It's frustrating not having a real answer but I guess we are just thankful he is feeling better.  I'm not sure when he will be discharged but we are hoping for tomorrow.  We cannot say it enough, thank you to everyone for all the sweet words of encouragement and prayers.  We are truly blessed!

Here's a picture from Eli's visit tonight. 
I couldn't get a picture with both of them looking, this is the best one I took!

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